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Covid-19 Policy

Entrance & Sanitisation Stations


Signage is placed at the entrance of the Temple to advise the congregation of all the rules and regulations within the premises.


The NHS Track & Track QR Code is also displayed for everyone to scan. The Temple also have a Log Book for those who are not able to check-in or those who require assistance. Please be assured this Log Book is confidential and for Temple records only. 


Alcohol free sanitising stations are placed at every entrance point of each door and regular stops in the Temple for the congregation to use when entering and leaving.


Zoono is an Alcohol Free santiser which is used once a month in and around the Temple.



Temple Hall


The floor markings guide congregation through a one way system which should be adhered to at all times. 


Floor markings have been positioned, guiding the congregation where they can or should be seated within their bubble of six in order to be compliant with the current government regulations. 



Surfaces & Touch Points 


All touch points and surfaces are sanitised before the opening and after the closing of the Temple, also regularly throughout the day.


The bathroom facilities are open to everyone, they are checked and cleaned before the opening and after the closing of the Temple, also regularly throughout the day.


Langar Hall


Again floor markings are positioned guiding the congregation to adhere to and keep within their bubble. The tables have been readjusted in order to be compliant with the current government regulations.





Offerings can be made at the Temple in accordance your wishes. Anything that is prepackaged would be of preference. Other opened offerings will be returned to the whomever made the offering.



Management & Volunteers


The Temple Management aim to make you feel welcome and comfortable even through these very challenging times. All of the Temple volunteers are trained to regularly was their hands and to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth. They will be wearing masks or shields at all times and be there to guide and intervene with the congregation where necessary. Visiting the Temple holds a high importance to all those who attend and, as we aim to practice normal services slowly and surely, safety of each and everyone is pivotal. We will regularly adjust rules in order to be compliant with the current government regulations.

Mandir Baba Balak Nath, Walsall (UK)
Mahant Shri Jaspal Bhatti Ji

96a Caldmore Road


West Midlands


United Kingdom

+44 (0) 1922 621177 | +44 (0) 7860 528245

Online donations should be kindly made payable to Mandir Baba Balak Nath, Walsall (UK):

Account Name: MBBN Walsall UK
Sort-code: 30-96-26

Account Number: 81511468

Registered Charity No: 1210617


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